Nightglade Ltd recognises that the development of a culture supportive of health and safety is necessary to achieve adequate control over risks. Accordingly, it does all that it reasonably practicable to promote co-operation between companies, groups and individuals so that health and safety is a collaborative effort. It supports quality initiatives aimed at continuous safety improvement and ensures the communication of necessary information throughout the organisation.

The aim of Nightglade Ltd is to contribute to an environment that is free of injuries, ill health and loss. The Managing Director is responsible for ensuring it has an effective management structure and that arrangements are in place to deliver and maintain this policy.

Nightglade will:

  • Comply with all Government legislation, appropriate Health and Safety Regulations, Codes of Practice and Guidance Notes that establish the minimum standards of safety and health.
  • Obtain, where necessary, expert advice to detect the risks to health and safety arising from the company’s activities and the most appropriate risk control systems and workplace precautions.
  • Ensure that its Management set an example in safe behaviour and effectively supervises its activities.
  • Ensure a systematic approach to the identification of risks and the allocation of resources to control them.
  • Identify, implement and maintain risk control systems and workplace precautions that meet or exceed statutory requirements including the provision and maintenance of plant and equipment that is safe to use.
  • Provide all relevant information, instruction and necessary training to its employees, in respect of risks to their health and safety which may arise our of their work, or at their place of work.
  • Make protective safety devices and equipment available to its employees and to provide instruction, information, training and supervision in their use.
  • Consult with employees on health and safety matters. In particular, to consult with individual employees before making them responsible for health and safety.
  • Keep a constant interest in health and safety issues that are applicable to the company’s activities.